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Solo Step - A Mounted Track Harness System




The Solo Step, which is a mounted track in the ceiling attached to a harness, allows for free movement. This removes any possibility of falling while doing physical therapy. It provides 100% security instantly by boosting your confidence in walking by taking the fear out of falling. If you are recovering from an injury or surgical procedure that has limited your mobility, or if your balance and strength are weakened due to a health condition, solo step could benefit you!

This form of treatment uses harnesses to help you stand upright and move freely, without the fear of falling throughout your session. Gaining back your mobility can be difficult, especially if your stability has been hindered in some way. With solo step, you’ll receive the confidence and support you need to complete your rehabilitation comfortably and successfully.

How Will I Benefit From Using the Solo Step Mounted Track Harness System?

This has proven to be a safer and more effective way to take on physical therapy, as it allows patients the freedom to move in ways they would not be able to otherwise, without any risk of injury. Solo step is designed specifically to protect against falling, giving patients peace of mind during their therapy sessions.

Solo step also provides patients with a quicker recovery process, as it allows them to begin standing upright immediately. Because of this, patients are able to get back to doing the activities they love much faster than they may have anticipated.

With solo step’s highest quality protection, you’ll know you are safe and secure – every step of the way. If you’re looking to gain back your mobility, without the fear or possibility of falling, then contact us and we can help! At Reddy Care Physical and Occupational Therapy, your safety is our focus: no fears, no falls, just rehab.

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