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Useful Tips If You Suffer From Fibromyalgia

Tips for managing Fibromyalgia from a physical therapists

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition that causes musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and localized tenderness. The cause of FM is unknown, but genetics may play a role.

Symptoms can develop after:

Other symptoms may include depression, poor concentration, and headaches.

Treating pain, fatigue, and other symptoms are key. Fortunately, several options are available to help ease and manage FM symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Ways to treat fibromyalgia pain

FM pain can be minor or serious enough to interfere with daily activities. Thankfully, treatment can help manage pain. Some of these treatment options include:

-Pain relievers

Medication is an option to reduce FM pain. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers to manage the pain. These medications can help:


Research has shown that people with FM who participated in yoga classes experienced improved mood and less pain and fatigue. The classes included:

Try taking a yoga class. The practice increases muscle strength, incorporates meditation, and teaches different relaxation techniques. Just be sure to let the instructor know about your condition, so they can adjust the poses as needed for you.


You may want to try acupuncture for pain relief. It involves pricking the skin with needles to:

A study in the Journal of Rehabilitative Medicine found that people with FM who received acupuncture benefited from pain relief for at least two years, compared to those who didn’t. For those who cannot tolerate the needles, acupressure may be an option.

-Physical therapy

Physical therapy techniques aim to improve your range of motion and strengthen the muscles. This can also help reduce FM pain. Your therapist will tailor a program to help manage specific symptoms. They can also teach self-care techniques, including FM education, to help you manage the fatigue and pain on your own. Research shows that pain management education can lead to increased performance during exercise.


Reddy Care Physical and Occupational Therapy Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy is an outstanding specialty service providing exceptional care and state-of-the-art treatments for the residents of Farmingdale and Great Neck, New York. The combination of innovative exercise programs, manual therapy, and technology together with the expertise of every member of the team enables Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy to provide services that ensure superior clinical outcomes and consistently high patient satisfaction.

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